The Michigan Supreme Court will hear a dispute over the legality of using a drone to take pictures of a property accused of violating a zoning ordinance and creating a nuisance with cars and otherREAD MORE
In-fill Housing – Getting Creative
A recent article discusses one community’s initiatives to “injecting new life into narrow, vacant lots brought about by blighted-structures removal”. Several approaches are referenced, including; the topic must remain a regular item on council meetingREAD MORE
Alaska SB 77 – What is Blight?
In a recent Op-Ed for the Anchorage Daily News, Sam Spiegelman, attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation provides an update on SB 77. In the article he advocates that “the term “blight” must be precisely defined,READ MORE
Vacant Property Surveys – Why it’s shouldn’t be the only answer
At the risk of stating the obvious, data is extremely valuable. However as we all know some data is more valuable than others. Many communities that struggle with vacant properties conduct “windshield surveys” or actualREAD MORE
So which one is it?
A recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution discusses the intent of the City to broadcast on the city’s public TV channel the board meetings where property demolitions are discussed. Though the article mentions the motivations behindREAD MORE