Permit Denial Ordinance

A recent article in the Morning Call, discusses a new anti-blight ordinance passed in June 2019. Alicia Miller Karner, city director of community and economic development said “the city will be modifying its permit applications,READ MORE

Kansas City, Mo Abandoned to Vibrant Project

The Abandoned to Vacant (A2V) project, a collaboration between Kansas City, MO and the University of Missouri-Kansas City, uses open data to map abandoned houses and give potential buyers a sense of the surrounding neighborhood.READ MORE

IAAI Abandoned Building Toolbox

The International Association of Arson Investigators has available on their website an Abandoned Building Toolbox. The IAAI/USFA Abandoned Building “Tool Box” provides: A detailed background paper that outlines the problems that vacant and abandoned buildingREAD MORE

City of Mobile to use Plexiglass to fight blight

As the loudest and strongest advocate for “clearboarding” my late father-in-law Robert Klein would be proud of Mobile’s approach to addressing blight. Replacing plywood boards with plexiglass/polycarbonate is a simple but powerful solution. See forREAD MORE

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