GAO Report on Reverse Mortgages

On September 25th, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), often called the “congressional watchdog,” issued a report on reverse mortgages. Reverse mortgages allow seniors to convert part of their home equity into payments from aREAD MORE

Foreclosure Crisis Impacts on Local Voter Participation

Following is a press release from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, discussing how the most recent foreclosure crisis negatively impacted voter turnout. Foreclosure Crisis Eroded Milwaukee Voter Turnout The foreclosure crisis that accompanied the Great RecessionREAD MORE

Kansas City MO “Codes Advocate”

A recent article in discusses the hiring of a “codes advocate” to be the go-between between the code department and residents in Kansas City, MO. The article has an intriguing quote, “The idea is itREAD MORE

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