Update May 2, 2024
As a direct result of the lawsuit filed in Bedford OH, Mount Vernon OH is discussing repealing its own ordinance.
For more information, please click here.

Update January 11, 2023
A recent article by the Urban Institute examines “Crime-Free Housing Ordinances”, the various legal challenges, the consequences and the overall effectiveness of these programs.
To view the article, please click on the following link:

Legal Challenges to Crime-Free Housing Ordinances Bring Effectiveness into Question

Update November 12th 2023
The Wisconsin Law Journal recently discussed a lawsuit filed against the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee Police over the city’s Chronic Nuisance Ordinance.
According to the article, one of the complaints is found in similar challenges across the country. The complaint states the ordinance has the effect of deterring plaintiffs, and other similarly situated parties affected by the law, from seeking police assistance by placing them at risk of losing their businesses and paying substantial fines.

For more information, please click here.

According to a recently concluded DOJ investigation, the city of Anoka (MN) “crime-free” housing program discriminates against people with mental health disabilities. Under the ordinance, Anoka can penalize landlords for “nuisance calls” to their properties.

For more information, please click here.

In addition to the below, we have reported on several related matters;

2/26/2023: New Orleans Padlock Law
11/7/2022: Indiana Court of Appeals Ruling re: emergency calls as proof of a public nuisance
12/27/2021: What is a nuisance
10/29/2021: More trouble than its worth
7/31/2019: Nuisance Property Guides

Update: May 16,2023

Delaware State lawmakers are considering legislation that would prohibit municipalities from enacting laws requiring landlords to evict tenants for criminal activity by the tenant, a member of their household or a guest.
For more information, please click on the following link;
Proposal to bar municipalities from requiring eviction for “criminal activity” advances in Senate

A very real challenge for municipalities!

How to protect citizens in dire need of protection (specifically victims of domestic abuse) while creating effective legislation that protects and improve the neighborhood at large.

This has been a point of discussion for several years. A recent article (click here) in the St. Louis Dispatch discusses letters sent by housing and civil rights advocates to six cities across St. Louis County saying their “nuisance ordinances violate residents’ constitutional rights”.
Would perhaps behoove municipalities to proactively take a fresh look at existing ordinances.
This is an issue being discussed across the country.
Please click on the following links for additional information: