In April 2022, the CDBG Coalition released a report titled, “Improving Lives and Strengthening Communities” “This report serves to inform stakeholders on the importance of CDBG to community advancement and success.” The CDBG Coalition consistsREAD MORE
New Jersey Moves to Establish Database of Available Commercial Real Estate Properties
Update 11/20/2023 A-4750 has been conditionally vetoed by Governor Murphy and returned to the Assembly with suggested amendments. To view the Governor’s statement, please click here. A-4750/S-3286 would require the NJ Business Action Center (DepartmentREAD MORE
Local Matters Podcast “Have You Ever Called Code Enforcement?”
Local Matters Podcast hosted by Janice Allen Jackson recently featured Matthew Silver, Civica Law and 2nd Vice President California Association of Code Enforcement on the subject of “Have You Ever Called Code Enforcement?” In theREAD MORE
Citizens Research Council of Michigan Blight Resources
In February we posted on a Citizens Research Council of Michigan (not-for-profit public affairs research organization, founded in 1916) report titled, “Coordinating the Authority and Resources to Remediate Blight”. This organization has several additional blightREAD MORE
Can Drones Legally be Used for Zoning Ordinance Violations
The Michigan Supreme Court will hear a dispute over the legality of using a drone to take pictures of a property accused of violating a zoning ordinance and creating a nuisance with cars and otherREAD MORE
In-fill Housing – Getting Creative
A recent article discusses one community’s initiatives to “injecting new life into narrow, vacant lots brought about by blighted-structures removal”. Several approaches are referenced, including; the topic must remain a regular item on council meetingREAD MORE
Alaska SB 77 – What is Blight?
In a recent Op-Ed for the Anchorage Daily News, Sam Spiegelman, attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation provides an update on SB 77. In the article he advocates that “the term “blight” must be precisely defined,READ MORE
Vacant Property Surveys – Why it’s shouldn’t be the only answer
At the risk of stating the obvious, data is extremely valuable. However as we all know some data is more valuable than others. Many communities that struggle with vacant properties conduct “windshield surveys” or actualREAD MORE
So which one is it?
A recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution discusses the intent of the City to broadcast on the city’s public TV channel the board meetings where property demolitions are discussed. Though the article mentions the motivations behindREAD MORE
Local Housing Solutions “Creating and Managing Vacant Property Inventories”
Local Housing Solutions issued a brief providing “information on common approaches to creating and managing vacant properties inventories, including how to fund these activities and identify sources of vacancy data.” Included in the brief “AREAD MORE
US Supreme Court “State’s Property Tax Windfall”
Update May 29th, 2023 The Supreme Court has issued a ruling. As discussed in a recent article from Route Fifty that even though the Court ruled against cities and counties, “local officials nationwide are breathingREAD MORE
Center for Community Progress – New Land Bank Resource
In a recent blog post, the Center for Community Progress in addition to its fully updated version of their National Land Bank Map, provides a thorough overview of “land banks” covering the topics of; WhatREAD MORE